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Cheap Phone Sex

Enjoy a Live Sex Chat and more... Calls starting at 29 cents a minute. Yep... You've read that right!


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Always the #1 Cheap Phone Sex. So make sure you remember us...

Don’t lose our address!!! Make sure you save it in your favorites (bookmarks). You can do this manually or you can use the following keyboard combination to do it for you:


How does this work?

Easy, you press the CTRL key on your keyboard and without releasing it, you all press the B key and a bookmarking window will appear.

For example, if you wanted to save this particular page, you would press CTRL + B on your keyboard.

I think you it would be easier if you were to save our home page thought. So click on the link below:

The home of cheap phone sex

Next press CTRL + B

Here is another page you might want to save:

Even Cheaper Phone Sex

Next press CTRL + B

Why would you want to save our page?

Ranking a website so that it appears in the first page of a search engine (Google) is very difficult. Keeping it there is even more difficult particularly since Google likes to change it’s software (algorithms) on a regular basis. So you may find a website that you really like easily on the first page of google one day, and then when you want to go back to that site later, you may no longer find it! It that's the case, it's most likely that google has re-shuffled its listing.

If you like a site, and want to go back to it later, the best thing you can do is to save it in your bookmarks list (favorites).

What else can you use CTRL + B for?

In word, you can use the key combination to make text bold!

We are always working hard to keep our customers satisfied! Our performances are second to none in our industry. We’ve been in business for many, many years and we know what to do to give our callers the best phone sex experience they can get.

How much would you pay for Cheap Shone Sex? Our special line gives you access to a range of services starting at 29 cents per minute. Stay at that level and enjoy all the pleasures you can handle or escalate to the next level, until you get to speak to a live person, 1-on-1..

The deal on this page is not available for any other number available throughout this site!